Ewa Kmiecik



Kraków Pharmaceutical Plant Polfa S.A., Quality assurance department, validation specialist


PhD Studies, AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection

2001–till now

AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection, Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology, Assoc. Prof.


Podhale State College of Applied Sciences in Nowy Targ (Podhalańska Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nowym Targu), Institute of Technical Sciences, Assoc. Prof.

Education profile


M.Sc., Jagiellonian Univeristy in Kraków, Faculty of Chemistry

specialization: analytical chemistry


Ph.D. , AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection

scientific domain: Earth Sciences,
discipline: Geology,
specialization: Hydrogeochemistry


D.Sc. (habilitation) AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection

scientific domain: Earth Sciences,
discipline: Geology,
specialization: Hydrogeology


Assoc. Prof. AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection


Prof. AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków, Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection


main field: hydrogeology, hydrogeochemistry, analytical chemistry, environmental engineering

other fields: groundwater monitoring, estimation of groundwater chemical status; estimation of the stability of the chemical composition of mining, mineral, curative and thermal waters; quality control/quality assurance in water monitoring; the impact of disruptive objects (mainly coal mining waste dumps, wastes from energy industry) on the chemical status of the aquatic environment

current research interest: QA/QC of hydrogeochemical data; human errors in water monitoring; health and environmental risk assessment; emerging contaminants (i.a. pesticides and pharmaceuticals residues) in water; legionella’s bacterias in water; speciation analysis of groundwater chemical composition; heat pumps based on groundwater; thermal water monitoring

Research Projects

in most Head of AGH UST Team or main contractor:


PIG-PIB — NFOŚIGW, main contractor

„Preparation of elements for the assessment of geothermal energy resources and thermal and thermal therapeutic waters potential in selected urbanized areas together with analysis of geoenvironmental and economic conditions of their sustainable management”

„Wykonanie elementów oceny potencjału energetycznego i surowcowego wód termalnych i termalnych leczniczych w wybranych obszarach zurbanizowanych wraz z analizą geośrodowiskowych oraz ekonomicznych uwarunkowań ich zagospodarowania”


NCN, SONATA11, contract no: 2016/21/D/ST10/00738, contractor

“Experimental determination of changes in the crystallographic structure and elemental composition of human tooth enamel, occurring as a result of the assimilation of ions of selected metals included in orthodontic appliances”

„Eksperymentalne wyznaczenie zmian w strukturze krystalograficznej i składzie pierwiastkowym ludzkiego szkliwa zębowego, zachodzących na skutek asymilacji jonów wybranych metali wchodzących w skład aparatów ortodontycznych”


NCBiR, contract no: DZP/POLTUR2/246/2017, main contractor

Geotherm. Integrated management of geothermal water: recovery of energy and water

“Zagospodarowanie wód geotermalnych: odzysk energii oraz produkcja wody – GEOTHERM”


PBS, contract no: 245079, head of AGH UST Team

Obtaining of drinking water and liquids and balneological substances in the treatment of cooled thermal waters

Pozyskanie wód pitnych oraz cieczy i substancji balneologicznych w procesie uzdatniania schłodzonych wód termalnych


NCN, contract no: 2011/03/B/ST10/06128, head of AGH UST Team

Long-term transformation of power plant waste weathering and impact of these processes on the mobility of the trace elements contained in the waste

Długoterminowe przemiany wietrzeniowe odpadów elektrownianych i wpływ tych procesów na ruchliwość pierwiastków śladowych zawartych w odpadach


MNiSW, contract no: N N525 349238, main contractor

Elaboration and verification of the methodology for eliminating the risk of groundwater intakes contaminated with trichlorethylene (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PCE)

Opracowanie i weryfikacja metodyki likwidacji zagrożenia ujęć wód podziemnych zanieczyszczonych trichloroetenem (TCE) i tetrachloroetenem (PCE)


GENESIS, main contractor

„Groundwater and Dependent Ecosystems: New Scientific Basis on Climate Change and Land-use Impacts for the Update of the EU Groundwater Directive”, Contract Number: 226536, 7th Framework Program of the EU


MNiSW, contract no: N N524 373937, main contractor

Halogens in GZW mine waters and their impact on surface water and bottom sediments of Upper Oder basin

Chlorowce w wodach kopalnianych GZW i ich wpływ na wody powierzchniowe oraz osady denne zlewni Górnej Odry


MNiSW, contract no: R0902802, contractor

Optimization of the parameters of protective barriers preventing the migration of pollutants from mining waste into the aquatic environment together with elaboration of technical and structural documentation

Optymalizacja parametrów barier ochronnych zapobiegających migracji zanieczyszczeń z odpadów górniczych do środowiska wodnego wraz z opracowaniem dokumentacji technicznokonstrukcyjnej


MNiSW, contract no: N N525 2060 33, leader, main contractor

Estimation of the uncertainty of hydrogeochemical data used to assess GWB chemical status

Szacowanie niepewności danych hydrogeochemicznych wykorzystywanych do oceny stanu chemicznego GWB


European Cooperation in Science and Technology COST Action 637, main contractor

Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water


MNiSW, contract no: 4T12B 035 29, contractor

Recognizing and limiting the generation of acidic waters in mines of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin

Rozpoznanie i ograniczanie generowania kwaśnych wód w kopalniach Górnośląskiego Zagłębia Węglowego


MNiSW, contract no: 4T12B 035 27, main contractor

Development of methodical foundations and tools for water resources management in the catchment with regard to their quality

Opracowanie metodycznych podstaw oraz narzędzi gospodarowania zasobami wodnymi w zlewni z uwzględnieniem ich jakości


BRIDGE, main contractor

“Background Criteria for the Identification of Groundwater Thresholds”, Contract Number 006538, 6th Framework Program of the European Union


MNiSW, contract no: 8T12B 004 20, leader, main contractor

Forecasting of temporary changes in water quality in the vicinity of mining waste dumps with the use of neural networks

Prognozowanie czasowych zmian jakości wód w otoczeniu składowisk odpadów górniczych z wykorzystaniem sieci neuronowych



Vietnam, Hanoi

Project NAWA, Modern foreign promotion of AGH UST in Vietnam — Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Vietnamese-Polish High School in Vietnam


Serbia, Belgrade

Erasmus Plus staff mobility for teaching, University of Belgrad


Vietnam, Hanoi

research visit at the HUMG — Hanoi University of Mining and Geology, Faculty of Geology

3–8.12.2017, 19.02–4.03.2015

Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk

visiting professor at the National University of Oil and Gas in Ivano-Frankivsk (2×60 hours of lectures in the field of monitoring and assessment of water status for students of the Institute of Geology and Geophysics and Environmental Engineering)


USA, Los Angeles, California

Contribution in 11th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse, 8th International Conference AHFE 2017 and Short Courses, and after conference events (3 weeks)



Geothermal Systems in Australia, Study Tour


UK, London

International Water Association, COST Meeting


Romania, Bukareszt

COST Meeting


Sweden, Kristianstaad

COST Meeting


Deutschland, Berlin

BAM, Symposium “New developments in measurement uncertainty in chemical analysis”

Selected conferences:


Antwerp, Belgium, AquaConSoil : sustainable use and management of soil, sediment and water resources : 15th international conference


Lanzarote, Spain, MICRO 2018: fate and impact of microplastics: knowledge, actions and solutions


Ascona, Switzerland, Nano and microplastics in technical and freshwaters systems – Microplastics 2018


Athens, Greece, Desalination for the Environment: Clean Water and Energy, Science, Research, Innovation, Industry, Business


Helsinki, Finland, Water JPI 2018 Conference: emerging pollutants in freshwater ecosystems


Caparica, Portugal, 2nd international Caparica conference on Pollutant toxic ions & molecules


Vienna, Austria, IWA 10th micropol & ecohazars conference


Long Beach, California, 11th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and Reuse


Los Angeles, USA, 8th international conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics


Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Hiszpania, 3rd International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology


Doha, Qatar, 2nd International Conference on Desalination and Environmental


Roma, Italy, Desalination for the Environment: Clean Water and Energy


Strasbourg, France, European Geothermal Congress


Hanoi, Wietnam, ESASGD 2016 : international conferences on Earth sciences and sustainable geo-resources development


Melbourne, Australia, World Geothermal Congress


Mykonos Island, Greece, 5th International Conference on Environmental Management, Engineering, Planning and Economics (CEMEPE 2015) and SECOTOX Conference

Key publications

The application of selected hydrochemical indicators in the interpretation of hydrogeochemical data — a case study from Busko-Zdrój and Solec-Zdrój (Poland) / Lipiec I., Wątor K., KMIECIK E. // Ecological Indicators; vol. 117, art. no. 106460, s. 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2020.106460 / IF: 4.49

Author or co-author of above 200 publications, i.a.: 18 monographs, 17 chapters in books and 62 papers in scientific periodicals.


Fate of selected neonicotinoid insecticides in soil–water systems: current state of the art and knowledge gaps / Pietrzak D., Kania J., KMIECIK E., Malina G., Wątor K. // Chemosphere vol. 255, 126981, 1–13 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2020.126981 / IF: 5.108

Redox potential research in the field of balneochemistry. Case study on equilibrium approach to bioactive elements in therapeutic waters / Wątor K., Dobrzyński D., Sugimori K., KMIECIK E., 2020 // International Journal of Biometeorology vol. 64, 1–12 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-020-01871-7 / IF: 2.377

Bacterial leaching of critical metal values from Polish copper metallurgical slags using Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans / Mikoda B., Potysz A., KMIECIK E., 2019 // Journal of Environmental Management Vol. 236, 15 April 2019, Pages 436-445. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.02.032 / IF: 4.865

Pesticides from the EU first and second Watch Lists in water environment / Pietrzak D., Kania J., Malina G., KMIECIK E., Wątor K., 2019 // Clean — Air, Soil, Water. http://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/clen.201800376 / IF: 1.512

LC-MS/MS method validation for determination of selected neonicotinoids in groundwater for the purpose of a column experiment / Pietrzak D., Wątor K., Pękała D., Wójcik J., Chochorek A., KMIECIK E., Kania J., 2019 // Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B, Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes. https://doi.org/10.1080/03601234.2019.1574173 IF: 1.463

The Use of Principal Component Analysis for the Assessment of Spatial Variability of Curative Waters from Busko-Zdroj and Solec-Zdroj Region (Poland) — Preliminary Results / Wątor K., KMIECIK E., Lipiec I., 2019 // Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2018.163 / IF: 0.922

Determination of Iodine in Geothermal Water Samples — Preliminary ICP-MS Method Validation Results / Mika A., Wątor K., KMIECIK E., Sekuła K., 2019 // Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2018.186 / IF: 0.922

Determination of Iodine in Geothermal Water Samples — Preliminary ICP-MS Method Validation Results / Mika A., Wątor K., KMIECIK E., Sekuła K., 2019 // Water Science and Technology: Water Supply. https://doi.org/10.2166/ws.2018.186 / IF: 0.922

Legionella pneumophila in thermal spa — methodological aspects of sampling and analysis / Mika A., KMIECIK E., Krawiec A., Wątor K., Zamfir M., Chochorek A., 2019 // Geomicrobiology journal 36:5, 460-467, doi.org/10.1080/01490451.2019.1571127 / IF: 1.609

Leaching behavior of fly ash from co-firing of coal with alternative off gas fuel in powerplant boilers / Sebastian Stefaniak, Ewa KMIECIK, Ewa Miszczak, Jadwiga SZCZEPAŃSKA-PLEWA, Irena Twardowska, 2018 // Applied Geochemistry ; ISSN 0883-2927. — 2018 vol. 93, s. 129– 144. / IF: 3.088

Metallurgical slags from Cu production and Pb recovery in Poland – their environmental stability and resource potential / Bartosz MIKODA, Harry KUCHA, Anna Potysz, Ewa KMIECIK, 2018 // Applied Geochemistry ; ISSN 0883-2927. — 2018 vol. 98, p. 459–472. / IF: 3.088

The evaluation of the effectiveness of lithium separation by hybrid capacitive deionization from geothermal water with the uncertainty measurement application / Anna Siekierka, Ewa KMIECIK, Barbara TOMASZEWSKA, Katarzyna WĄTOR, Marek Bryjak, 2018 // Desalination and Water Treatment ; ISSN 1944-3994. — 2018 vol. 128, p. 259–264. / IF: 1.272

Use of numerical modelling in the prediction of membrane scaling : reaction between antiscalants and feedwater / Barbara TOMASZEWSKA, Ewa KMIECIK, Katarzyna WĄTOR, Magdalena TYSZER, 2018 // Desalination ; ISSN 0011-9164. — 2018 vol. 427, p. 27–34. https://goo.gl/oFuhEq // IF: 4.412

Analytical procedures for ion quantification supporting water treatment processes / Ewa KMIECIK, 2018 // W: Geothermal water management / eds. Jochen Bundschuh, Barbara Tomaszewska. — Boca Raton [etc] : CRC Press. Taylor & Francis Group, cop. 2018. — (Sustainable Water Developments : Resources, Management, Treatment, Efficiency and Reuse ; ISSN 2373-7506 ; vol. 6). — ISBN: 978-1-138-02721-3 ; e-ISBN: 978-1-315-73497-2.

The impact of human errors on the estimation of uncertainty of measurements in water monitoring / Ewa KMIECIK, 2017 // W: Advances in human error, reliability, resilience, and performance : proceedings of the AHFE 2017 international conference on Human error, reliability, resilience, and performance : July 17–21,2017, Los Angeles, California, USA / eds. Ronald Laurids Boring. — Cham : Springer International Publishing, cop. 2018. — (Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ; ISSN 2194-5357 ; vol. 589). — ISBN: 978-3-319- 60644-6 ; e-ISBN: 978-3-319-60645-3.

Implementation of QA/QC program in research related to the membrane processes use in thermal water treatment / Ewa KMIECIK, B. TOMASZEWSKA, K. WĄTOR, M. Bodzek, M. Rajca, M. TYSZER, 2017 // Desalination and Water Treatment. Vol. 73, Year: 2017, Pages: 339-347. doi:10.5004/dwt.2017.20604 / IF: 1.272

Prevention of scaling in geothermal water desalination by means of nanofiltration / M. Rajca, M. Bodzek, B. TOMASZEWSKA, M. TYSZER, K. WĄTOR, Ewa KMIECIK, 2017 // Desalination and Water Treatment. Vol. 73, Year: 2017, Pages: 198-207. doi:10.5004/dwt.2017.20557 / IF: 1.272

Process of geothermal water treatment by reverse osmosis. The research with antiscalants / B. TOMASZEWSKA, M. Rajca, Ewa KMIECIK, M. Bodzek, W. Bujakowski, M. TYSZER, K. WĄTOR, 2017 // Desalination and Water Treatment. Vol. 73, Year: 2017, Pages: 1-10. doi:10.5004/dwt.2017.20358 / IF: 1.272

The influence of selected factors on the effectiveness of pre-treatment of geothermal water during the nanofiltration process / Barbara TOMASZEWSKA, Mariola Rajca, Ewa KMIECIK, Michał Bodzek, Wiesław Bujakowski, Katarzyna WĄTOR, Magdalena TYSZER, 2017 // Desalination ; ISSN 0011-9164. — 2017 vol. 406, pages: 74-82 / IF: 4.412

Assessing medicinal qualities of groundwater from the Busko-Zdrój area (Poland) using the probabilistic method / Katarzyna WĄTOR, Ewa KMIECIK, Barbara TOMASZEWSKA, 2016 // Environmental Earth Sciences ; ISSN 1866-6280. — 2016 vol. 75, iss. 9 poz. 804, pages: 1–13 / IF: 1.765

Boron removal from geothermal water using DOW chemical high separation BWRO membrane / Barbara TOMASZEWSKA, Michał Bodzek, Ewa KMIECIK, 2016 // Desalination and Water Treatment ; ISSN 1944-3994. — 2016 vol. 57 iss. 57, pages. 27477–27484. / IF: 1.272

Evaluating the stability of iodine in bottled mineral waters / Barbara TOMASZEWSKA, Ewa KMIECIK, Katarzyna WĄTOR, 2016 // Journal of Geochemical Exploration ; ISSN 0375-6742. — 2016 vol. 168, pages. 20–25 / IF: 2.147

Selected problems with boron determination in water treatment processes. Pt. 1, Comparison of the reference methods for ICP-MS and ICP-OES determinations / Ewa KMIECIK, Barbara TOMASZEWSKA, Katarzyna WĄTOR, Michał Bodzek, 2016 // Environmental Science and Pollution Research ; ISSN 0944-1344. — 2016 vol. 23 iss. 12, pages: 11658–11667. / IF: 2.760

Effect of weathering transformations of coal combustion residuals on trace elements mobility in view of the environmental safety and sustainability of their disposal and use. [Pt.] 2, Element release / Sebastian Stefaniak, Ewa KMIECIK, Ewa Miszczak, Jadwiga SZCZEPAŃSKAPLEWA, Irena Twardowska, 2015 // Journal of Environmental Management ; ISSN 0301- 4797. — 2015 vol. 156, pages. 167–180. / IF: 3.131


Member of the International Society of Biometeorology

Member of the International Geothermal Association

Member of the International Medical Geology Association

Member of the International Association of Hydrogeologists

Member of the International Water Association:

  • IWA Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water Specialist Group
  • IWA Assessment and Control of Hazardous Substances in Water Specialist Group
  • IWA Water Safety Planning Specialist Group
  • IWA Modelling and Integrated Assessment Specialist Group
  • IWA Health Related Water Microbiology Specialist Group
  • IWA Groundwater Management Specialist Group

Associate Editor of “Geology, Geophysics and Environment” (AGH UST)


Ewa Kmiecik has many years of experience in project and team management:

From 2005 — coordinator of the ARIADNA – program of cooperation of Predictive Solutions (data analysis expert company) with academic units. About 50 Polish universities are

currently involved in the program.

2012–2016 — Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection AGH-UST.

2012–2016 — chair of the Faculty Recruitment Commission, Faculty Committee for Awards and Decorations and the Faculty Committee for the AGH Diamonds Competition

From 2016 —Departmental Coordinator for the accredited Hydrogeochemical Laboratory of the Department of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology of AGH-UST.

2016–2020 — member of the Library Council of the AGH Main Library

2017–2019 — faculty coordinator for the 100th anniversary of AGH. Member of university anniversary organizing committee.

From 2018 member of the Audit Committee of the AGH ACADEMICA Students and Graduates Foundation. From 2019 chair of this Committee.

From 2019 — member of the Earth and Environmental Sciences Discipline Council

From 2020 — member of Program Council of the Project “Excellence Initiative — Research University” at the AGH-UST.

From 2020 — AGH university coordinator of the Erasmus + Partner Countries agreement for Vietnam

Within the international cooperation she performs reviews of papers in journals from Philadelphia List and others, e.g. Journal of Cleaner Production, Journal of Water Processing Engineering, Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Desalination and Water Treatment, Metals, Environmental Pollution, Water Science and Technology, Water Practice and Technology, Archives of Environmental Protection, Groundwater for Sustainable Development, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Advanced Nano Bio-materials and Devices, Bulletin of Geography. Physical Geography Series, Royal Society of Chemistry.

She was supervisor of three completed doctoral dissertations:

  • Katarzyna Wątor (AGH UST), „Spatial-temporal analysis of the variability of the chemical composition of medicinal waters of the Busko-Zdrój region” („Przestrzenno-czasowa analiza zmienności składu chemicznego wód leczniczych rejonu Buska-Zdroju”) (2014).
  • Klaudia Sekuła (Korzec) (AGH UST), „Hydrogeochemical characteristics of thermal waters in the area of Bańska Niżna” („Charakterystyka hydrogeochemiczna wód termalnych w rejonie Bańskiej Niżnej”) (2017).
  • Justyna Mazurkiewicz (AGH UST); „Assessment of prospective areas for geothermal use of low-temperature waters in the Lesser Poland Voivodeship” („Ocena obszarów perspektywicznych dla geotermalnego wykorzystania wód niskotemperaturowych w województwie małopolskim”) (2017).

She is supervisor of four open doctoral dissertations:

  • Iwona Lipiec (PIG-PIB Kielce), „Spatio-temporal changes of the chemical composition of sulfide water in Busko-Zdrój and Solec-Zdrój regions” („Analiza zmienności składu chemicznego wód siarczkowych rejonu Buska-zdroju i Solca Zdroju w układzie czasowoprzestrzennym”) (dissertation in revision).
  • Anna Mika (AGH UST), „Assessment of the potentially curative character of thermal waters in Bańska Niżna” („Ocena potencjalnie leczniczego charakteru wód termalnych w Bańskiej Niżnej”) (planned date of defense — IX 2020).
  • Piotr Rusiniak (WGGIOŚ AGH), „Differentiation of the speciation of selected elements in the thermal waters of the Podhale Basin” („Zróżnicowanie specjacji wybranych pierwiastków w wodach termalnych niecki podhalańskiej”) (planned date of defense — 2021).
  • Damian Pietrzak (WGGIOŚ AGH), „Neonicotinoids - conditions for migration in the aquatic environment” („Neonikotynoidy — warunki migracji w środowisku wodnym”) (planned date of defense — 2021).

Winner of the AGH Rector award for scientific achievements (2017, 2018, 2019).

An important element of its activity is cooperation with the social and economic environment. The technological achievements and cooperation with the economic sector include research and implementation studies mainly in the field of hydrogeology and water protection. In the years 2012–2020 she carried out as the author and/or co-author of over 40 expert opinions and other studies commissioned by public institutions or entrepreneurs.